STICKER CLUB | Monthly Subscription


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Gift yourself the gift of surprise stickers each month!

Subscribe and save on 7 new (surprise) stickers each month for $12 and free shipping within the United States!

Each month's stickers will be a mix of fun, sassy, inspirational, motivational, seasonal, supportive, vulgar, or niche (career or community groups) stickers. We work hard to ensure you love most all of the stickers you receive, but if you don't, our stickers make the best gifts! 

All stickers are able to withstand exposure to wind, rain, and sunlight. All of our stickers are printed on premium vinyl with a permanent adhesive and are coated with a protective laminate that makes them super durable and resistant to fading, scratching, tearing, oil, and water. They can even be safely run through a dishwasher. Though we do recommend handwashing our drinkware.